Hayley Williams recently posted this on livejounal (excerpt).......
"......it’s scary when you start to really know yourself.. and learn who you are… in spite of what people think you are. that’s been the last 2 years of my life. holding on to what i believe and love. learning my heart and not apologizing for it. it’s a hard thing to do. you lose people and in some cases, stability. until you wonder if it was even worth it to hold fast to what matters to YOU. is it worth it? i am still learning. finding out if it’s okay with me that i give up preconceived notions of what it means to have it all. cause sometimes having your heart in tact feels like the loneliest thing in the world. if there’s anything that ties all 3 of our records together… as different as i say they are… it’s this one common thread: you can receive blessings. you can have your dreams. but they all come at a cost. you have to give up something. as for me? in my personal life, i gave up comfort, acceptance, stability. in order to break away from a facade that i felt i lived beneath for a long time. i gave up what a lot of people knew as “Hayley” in order to be who i believe is the real me. and in order to live life more fully. 18…19…20, it’s a pretty normal age to do a thing like that, right? everything comes at a cost. not one thing in life, with any value, is free.
so what do you value? what cost the most? and was it worth what you paid?......"
This is how I commented...
I feel like you took a deep breath after writing that. You guys helped me find myself. I’m not just the sweet little girl that makes good grades and never gets in trouble. I’m that plus I love alternative and dress in punk fashion. Before that I was lost;I didn’t know where I was going next. I know who I am now.
What I value? Knowing and being who I am.
What is the cost? Troubled looks from family members,turned up noses from former friends,and scornful glares from people who don’t agree.
Was it worth it? Completely.I know who I am. I walk proudly ,with my head held high, knowing that I am who I am and no one can change that.
I thank them for so much. Maybe that's the reason they're such a big part in my life. I may be posting every day now that I'm out of school (I was second in the class.My best friend beat me by 0.4). I don't care if know one ever reads my blog. I'll keep writing. I'm free to say what I feel not having any boundaries. I do it because I love it, not because people are listening.