I haven't written lately because well I'm a forgetful person and my life isn't that interesting. But you know what,blogging is also about thoughts and ideas. So today I'll start with a topic that has appeared more than once on the silver platter of conversation at my house. The topic is : Why don't they make ethanol out of sugar cane? This may sound stupid,but why not? We use corn for so many things. Making ethanol out of corn just makes the prices of other things that are made out of corn go up. One of the only things we use sugar cane for is,well sugar. Yes the price of sugar cane would go up,but to make up for that we have synthetic sugars like aspartame and sodium saccharin. Will this ever happen? Probably not any time soon because our new president as of tomorrow's pick for the head of agriculture is from the great plains. You know what they grow there? What's that ...............corn? (No I did not draw the picture at the top)
And now a portion where Mary lists one of the troubles in her life. Today's trouble is a woman named Sandra Mowry. Known to Lucedale Intermediate School as Mrs.Mowry. She teaches 6th grade social studies. I like social studies,but I hate her. It's not just me. Everyone hates her. She'll give you something and expect you to know when it's due. Amazingly,I just made a 100 on my report card. I guess she just fell asleep while she was typing in grades.
To finish up I have news. Remember my best friend Jerrica. She now has a blog called " here we go again ". Her posts are short and our english teacher would be every disappoionted in her grammar,punctuation,and capitalazation (don't worry I'm talking to her as I write.She says she's going to slap me but she never will). I still love her like a sister though.
I did sort of slap her but it was like a love pop and then she hit me back a bunch of times and our friend taylor had to get in on the action so.... she hit me.And also a note 2 mary: GET OFF MY BACK WOMAN!!!!!!!!!