Legislature met lately in Mississippi to discuss add-on programs. This includes the gifted program. The program my mother teaches. I would die if the canceled it and, so would many others. All the students in our gifted program had/has a IQ (intellectual quotient) level of 120 or over. The average IQ level for the general population is only 90. Most of us took this test this test in the summer between first and second grade. Probably all of the valedictorians in our county have been in this program or should have been. Nearly all my friends are in it too and one of us is bound to finish in at least the top five or ten in our class.It's one of the only places we can be ourselves because we can be ourselves. Where
Maybe it will survive and my mother will keep her job. The had a scare when No Child Left Behind came around with all that "closing the gap" stuff. Nonsense is what it was. If it does get canceled you'll bound to see me on T.V. protesting for my rights. I ask the legislature this: What would you rather do? Save a little bit of money and take away from a child's education or, cut something else ,that is actually unnecessary, and keep the wonderful programs like this one in schools?
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