It's been a week since my birthday. A year ago I would never imagined my thirteenth birthday to be the way it was. I mean the actual day was great, but I didn't have the same feeling that I usually do. My life is so different than I would expected. No best friend. No person (other than one family) to lean on. One of the things that has gotten me through it? Music, as always. Especially Nevershoutnever. Christofer Drew Ingle (the genius behind it all) has saved me. He is amazing. It doesn't hurt that he's cute too. He sounds just as good live as he does on the record. His range is amazing. I'm looking forward to his full-length in January. I even MAYBE will get to go to a concert in New Orleans. Listen to "Liar,Liar", "Heregoesnorhing", and "Simple Enough".