I recently got my Paramore Fan Club membership package. This sounds really wacky but to me its not. I love Paramore;so why can't I express that to the world? Fall Out Boy was the first alternative band that I fell in love with and then Jerrica introduced me to Paramore. I was thinking about the differences between Paramore and Fall Out Boy. Fall Out Boy's fame didn't come at first and Paramore's kinda did. Paramore seems to REALLY care for their fans (a characteristic that I hope they will keep for the rest of their career). Fall Out Boy does care for their fans,but to me it doesn't seem the quantity of care as Paramore. Maybe I'm just being bitter but this is just what I believe.
I recently found this blog called "Broken Wings Falling Into the Unknown". She is heartbroken and knows that her heart will always belong to "Luke". Ah, If she only new how lucky she is just to know who her Edward is. Jerrica has finally found her Emmet (he is most likely it). He's serious and not (attention-based kind)crazy. I mean he's like Jerrica and me;we can be calm and mellow but also be crazily creative when we're around people like us (gifted students). His role model is Pete Wentz. Most of the guys she's dated didn't even know who Pete Wentz is. In fact I am kinda jealous. She has a person who fits her. Maybe a person will came along that is the same for me. Loves Paramore,good in school, watches Heroes,thinks communication is important, can wear skinny jeans ,graphic tees,and checkered vans without feeling weird,yada,yada,ya. Does anyone else fit this description other than me?